
Mission Statement

Okamoto obtains customer satisfaction and trusts by manufacturing products. And it is our business that realize of the contribution to society through our customers. Therefore employees make any efforts to achieve them.


Quality Policy

Ensure the quality of which each customer satisfactions and trusts
Valid and improve Quality Management system(ISO9001) in meeting customer requirements
Propel Quality Management system (ISO9001) to achieve this quality policy.
Review quality target when it’s needed

Environmental Management Policy(ISO14001)

Reduce environmental impact to pass next generation this rich natural environment.
Be suitable to social requirement such as not accepting and not distributing “Environmental Hazardous Substances”
Also, control them following environmental management policy

Environmental Strategy

Foundation Strategy

Okamoto contributes to the society by working for environmental conservation to save beautiful planet

Operating Strategy
  • Okamoto always makes efforts to pursue new technology, processing materials for concerning environmental conservation, also improves environmental management system and prevents polluting environment.
  • Okamoto pursuits customer satisfaction and moreover obeys environmental laws and regulations.
  • What Okamoto employees do are below:
    • Conserve environment by pursuit energy conservation and resource conservation
    • Head for cost saving by avoiding wastes
    • Head for reducing wastes by 3R (Reduce, Reuse Recycle) action.
  • Okamoto pursuits all employees environmental education and then share and use the education for new environment.
  • Okamoto educates employees about this environmental policy moreover opens the policy to public

Greeting representatives
